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"Hand glove" 검색 결과: 19개의 아이템
- Lab News | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
2016-03 Our work is on IEEE SPECTRUM : Seoul National University’s Exo-Glove Poly is a soft robotic glove News for Students : New devices coming to assist the disabled 2016-03 Our work is on ETH Zurich : Exo-Glove Poly: Soft Technology that Enables People with Hand Disabilities to Grasp 2016-03 Our work is on ETH Zurich : ICYMI: Rogue wave detection, exo-glove and more 2016-02 Brian Byunghyun Kang received a Bronze 함께하는 기술발표회 2012-11 Best poster award, "Evaluation of the antagonistic tendon driven system for SNU Exo-glove
- Patent | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
조규진, 인현기, 신민기, "장갑형 입는 로봇(GLOBE TYPE WEARABLE ROBOT)" , Domestic Patent (Registration Number: 10-1263933 Geol Park, Hyo Seok YI, Kyu Jin Cho, Brian Byunghyun Kang, Hyung Min Choi, Sun Cheol Kwon , " Wearable hand Patent Issued 조규진, 반호영, 강병현, 인현기, 이해민, 정진원, 조기훈 , "Wearable hand robot " , International Patent (US,
- Domestic | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
김병철, 조규진, "Wrist Anchor for the Soft Hand Wearable Robot," 대한기계학회 바이오공학부문 , 2021. 김재환, 박대근, 조규진, "상지 근력 보조를 위한 팔 무게 보상 장치의 성능 개선," 한국정밀공학회 2017 추계학술대회, 2017. 2016 강병현, 이해민, 조규진, “Exo-Glove 최우수상 (Best Paper Award) 인현기, 강병현, 조규진, “Exo-Glove의 집기능력 성능평가,” 한국로봇종합학술대회, 2015. [PDF] 인현기, 조규진, “SNU Exo-Glove 의 부족 구동 메커니즘의 해석 및 평가”, 한국정밀공학회 2012 년도 춘계학술대회 논문집,2012. [PDF] 인현기, 강병현, 조규진, “손 마비 환자의 일상생활 보조를 위한 SNU Exo-Glove의 개발,” 제44회 대한의용생체공학회 춘계학술대회 , 2012 우수 포스터 논문상
- Flea | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
The key design principles were adopted from the froghopper’s power-producing hind legs and the moment
- Alumni | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
Gyu Han Cho 조규한 · E-mail : gyuhan.cho @ · Affiliation : ADD (국방과학연구소) M.S.
- Bionic hand | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
Overview Wearables & Prosthetics Bioinspired Robots Soft Robots Deployable Robots Bio-inspired Robotic Hand The human hand is such a complex and sophisticated tool compared to any other mechanical structure. Keywords : #Prosthetic hand, #Sports Related papers and patents S.-H. Kim, S. Oh, K. B. Kim, Y. Cho, "Design of a Bioinspired Robotic Hand: Magnetic Synapse Sensor Integration for a Robust Remote Tactile Cho, "Artificial Ligament-Joint Design for a Bioinspired Hand," Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
- Flea | SNU Biorobotics Lab.
The key design principles were adopted from the froghopper’s power-producing hind legs and the moment