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"Prosthetic hand" 검색 결과: 45개의 아이템

  • Research Overview | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    Research Overview Wearables & Prosthetics Bioinspired Robots Soft Robots Biology has lots of inspiration these technologies to build soft wearable robots for people with disability, novel soft robots, bionic hand Wearables & Prosthetics Soft wearable robots and prosthetic hands designed to enhance human independence be stored or mobile, and a deployed state to be functional Keywords : Assistive , Rehabilitation , Hand glove , Upper limb , Prosthetic hand , Sports , Jumping , Crawling , Climbing , Gliding , Multi-modal

  • Wearables & Prosthetics | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    robotic prosthetic hands at low cost and effort. Keywords: #single-step 3D printing, #bio-inspired joint, #prosthetic hand. Anthropomorphic prosthetic hand inspired by efficient swing mechanics for sports activities. J, "Wire Driven Prosthetic Hand for Sports" KR1023891800000 , April 18th, 2022. Ph.D. Keywords : #Prosthetic hand, #Sports Related papers and patents S.-H. Kim, S. Oh, K. B. Kim, Y.

  • Bionic hand | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    Robotic Hand The human hand is such a complex and sophisticated tool compared to any other mechanical and the robotic hands. Keywords : #Prosthetic hand, #Sports Related papers and patents S.-H. Kim, S. Oh, K. B. Kim, Y. Cho, "Design of a Bioinspired Robotic Hand: Magnetic Synapse Sensor Integration for a Robust Remote Tactile Cho, "Artificial Ligament-Joint Design for a Bioinspired Hand," Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

  • Home | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    these technologies to build soft wearable robots for people with disability, novel soft robots, bionic hand SNU BRL Youtube Channel Wearables & Prosthetics Soft wearable robots and prosthetic hands designed to be stored or mobile, and a deployed state to be functional Keywords : Assistive , Rehabilitation , Hand glove , Upper limb , Prosthetic hand , Sports , Jumping , Crawling , Climbing , Gliding , Multi-modal

  • Journal Articles | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    hand inspired by human grasping characteristics" , Intelligent Service Robotics, 2024. Kyu-Jin Cho, "Multiparameter Rem ote Contact Force Sensor With Embedded Bend Sensing f or Tendon-Driven Hand Hand," 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 2022. Choi, Haemin Lee, and Kyu-Jin Cho, "Exo-Glove Poly II: A Polymer-Based Soft Wearable Robot for the Hand rehabilitation exercise using wearable robotic hand“ , Intelligent Service Robotics, Vol. 6, No. 4,

  • 이전 - Wearables & Prosthetics | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    & Prosthetics We design soft wearable robots and prosthetic hands for all individuals in need of assistance Current Works EGP Polymer-based Tendon-driven Soft Wearable Robot "Exo-Glove Poly" for the hand for spinal Squat Wearable Ligamentation System for posture correction and assist at lifting View Project GRIPit Hand assistive device “GRIPIT” for people with SCI View Project Bionic hand Bionic hand View Project Previous Works Pneumatic Hand Exo-Glove PM (Pneumatic) View Project BoA sensor Bowden-cable: Angle Sensor & Reliability

  • EGP | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    who lost their hand function to grasp various objects with their hand. who lost their hand function to grasp various objects with their hand. Candidate Hae-Min Lee · E-mail : haemin1991 at · Research Topic : Soft wearable robots, Prosthetic who lost their hand function to grasp various objects with their hand. who lost their hand function to grasp various objects with their hand.

  • GRIPit | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    Research Overview Wearables & Prosthetics Bioinspired Robots Soft Robots Deployable Robots Hand assistive Approach Compactness and weight is one of the most important factor in hand exoskeletons, or wearable robots for the hand. We focused on developing a soft wearable device named GRIPIT that enables people with hand paralysis The underactuation mechanism, which is widely used in robotic hands and wearable hand robots to increase

  • Wearable devices for hand | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    Polymer-based Tendon-driven Soft Wearable Robot " Exo-Glove Poly " for the hand for spinal cord injury patients View Project Exo-Glove PM (Pneumatic) View Project Hand assistive device “ GRIPIT ” for people

  • pneumatichand | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    Research Overview Wearables & Prosthetics Bioinspired Robots Soft Robots Deployable Robots Exo-Glove It ensures small module size and enables modules to cover a wide range of hand sizes; the distance between Keywords : #Assistive, #Hand glove Related papers and patents Sung-Sik Yun, Brian Byunghyun Kang, and

  • 이전 - Soft Robots | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    Research Overview Wearables & Prosthetics Bioinspired Robots Soft Robots Deployable Robots Soft Robots

  • 이전 - Deployable Robots | SNU Biorobotics Lab.

    Research Overview Wearables & Prosthetics Bioinspired Robots Soft Robots Deployable Robots Deployable

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